BEGINNING, PREREQUISITE: Attend one Intro to Taiko workshop (For those with previous taiko experience, contact Michelle Fujii mich@unitsouzou.com)
Take the Intro to Taiko Workshop for a wonderful introduction to the art form of taiko, then take this multi-week course to be introduced to basic taiko form, rhythm, movement, and voice.
BEGINNING II, PREREQUISITE: Attend one Beginning Taiko course (For those with previous taiko experience, contact Michelle Fujii mich@unitsouzou.com)
Upon completion of taking at least one Beginning Taiko Course, students are encouraged to enroll in Beginning II Class. This will deepen the taiko basics and foundation that was introduced in the Beginning I Class and teach new levels.
INTERMEDIATE, PREREQUISITE: Attend Beginning I & II Course (For those with previous taiko experience, contact Michelle Fujii mich@unitsouzou.com)
Upon completion of taking both Beginning Taiko I & II, students are welcome to enroll in the Songs Class and Skills & Drills Class (please check schedule for current available classes).
INTERMEDIATE (PERFORMANCE), PREREQUISITE: Attend 3 consecutive Songs courses (For those with previous taiko experience, contact Michelle Fujii mich@unitsouzou.com)
Upon consistently attending 3 consecutive Songs courses, Intermediate students may join the Performance Class to learn skill-appropriate taiko songs and have the ability to join the performance on the stage for selected community local shows. Students will pay an initiation fee of $35.00 to receive an orientation, Unit Souzou/Korekara Taiko performance guideline manual and Unit Souzou t-shirt. Additionally students will be responsible to supply own performance gear as outlined in the orientation.
ADVANCED, PREREQUISITE: Attend 3 consecutive Performance courses
Upon consistently attending 3 consecutive Performance courses, interested and committed students can apply to the advanced level by filling out an application form to begin the process. Before submitting an application, reviewing the Korekara Taiko Advanced Student Benefits and Expectations is highly recommended! Scheduling an interview with Unit Souzou Co-Directors will be the next step.
Moving into the advanced level is determined at the discretion of Unit Souzou Co-directors. Upon acceptance to become an advanced level, students will pay an initiation fee of $35.00 to receive an orientation, KT ADV guideline handbook and an additional Unit Souzou t-shirt.
FAST TRACK for taiko players with previous performance experience
If you have previous taiko performance experience, you can be fast tracked into the intermediate and/or advanced levels. Please contact Michelle Fujii directly at mich@unitsouzou.com for more information.
Admission to the resident ensemble is by invitation only from UNIT SOUZOU Co-Directors. Ensemble members are ready to deepen their relationship with taiko by taking on intricate roles in the ensemble such as playing shime ji-uchi (base supporting beat), mentoring other students, holding down one’s part individually and embracing Unit Souzou’s theatrical artistry. Expectation is to maintain taiko skills by attending assigned Korekara Taiko classes and Unit Souzou rehearsals regularly in addition to performing locally in small ensemble shows.
Joining the professional ensemble is for those interested in learning and performing UNIT SOUZOU’s contemporary repertoire and in being and/or becoming a taiko professional. Compensation will be provided. Professional ensemble members must be available for daytime education programs, theatre projects (fluid, intermittent schedule), small ensemble local performances and touring. Unit Souzou holds auditions intermittently. For more information contact Michelle Fujii at mich@unitsouzou.com.